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How to do fire prevention in House Container
2022-06-30 11:02:04

Container houses built with containers are now mostly placed in the ranks of temporary residences. For ordinary houses, the advantage of container prefab houses is that they can move freely. In several earthquakes in the past few years, the container house gave full play to the advantages of being movable, but the defects of the container were gradually exposed, and the container house without special fire protection treatment was easy to cause fire. This kind of house has played a very important role in the emergency work of these natural disasters. The effect of the construction was very fast, which greatly calmed the panic of citizens in the disaster area, and gave people a hometown that was quickly integrated when their hometown was destroyed.

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Prefab House Container It can be said that in the face of this natural disaster, the role of the container prefab is very obvious, and it has also become a model for earthquake relief. Rapid establishment, the effect of preventing cold and keeping warm, the low cost of capital, the ability to resist earthquake and wind. This is difficult for ordinary houses to have, but mobile houses do it. It also further promoted the development of this kind of house. It has accelerated its development speed, accelerated people's reliance on container houses, and provided conditions for the rapid development of the container house industry.

When a thing has its own unique and irreplaceable characteristics, people can make good use of it, and the thing itself can develop rapidly, providing great convenience to the society. The advantage of the house is that the second-hand containers will not be thrown away, so that the abandoned containers can be found from scratch.

Aiheeseen liittyvät tunnisteet: Water Container Industrial Water Container Container

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