The Container house itself is smooth and easy to clean. The container mobile house will be used repeatedly. The better the maintenance, the longer the use time, the safer it is relatively. Do you know the maintenance and maintenance of Container Houses?
The container house adopts a light steel structure system, and the walls are covered with composite EPS wall panels, etc. Of course, its walls can be various, but generally they have a light steel structure system, and anti-corrosion and rust prevention should be done. , Paint it every few years to prevent it from corroding, which not only looks good but also protects the house, as well as the waterproof measures of the wall. Although it was done well when the house was built, it needs to be checked regularly to prevent aging. The waterproof facilities and circuit problems of the lower house can not only ensure safety, but also protect the moisture-proof function of the house.
The steel structure of the container house is connected to the whole building. The user arranges electric lighting equipment. The wires cannot be tied directly to the steel structure. A wire pipe or wire trough isolation device should be installed to avoid electric shock.